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where thoughts are worth more than the paper they are printed on... until you print them

Location: Mayberry, North Carolina, United States

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boring blog- - - sermon

Here is a VERY ROUGH draft of the sermon that I preached last night during the revival. I may not have gotten anyone saved last night, but, hopefully it got them thinking about faith and life and love. If you dont want to hang in for the whole thing, that is ok, just check back next week and I will bring some fun back to the blog. AND, if you dont want a preview of the sermon I plan to preach at FBCMA on May 21st then dont read. It will not be the same sermon, but the crux of the sermon will be the same.

And if you want silly fun, visit the element and friends website. i pinch!!!

Asking the right question
Text Luke 18:18-30

We all are aware of the saying “you put your foot in your mouth.” It happens all of the time. Think about Major league Baseball player Raphael Palmerio who testified before congress that he had never once taken steroids, only to test positive several months later in a official drug test by major league baseball.
It continues with players guaranteeing victories, managers and coaches promising better performances, and especially when Owners, General Managers, or Athletic Directors give a ‘vote of confidence’ to a coach or player who is suspected to be on the way out. If you a coach in a college or professional sport and your boss says something like: “we have full confidence in our coach and we expect him to lead our program in the right direction for years to come”…get a box and a typewriter because you are going to want to write a letter of resignation and pack up your desk pictures. The Owner has just stuck his foot in his mouth.

It happens in politics too. The beloved Nixon didn’t know anything about those tape from the Watergate Hotel and the beloved Bill Clinton didn’t know anything about that girl. But, at the risk of putting my foot in my mouth any further, I will move on from politics. It is like the father in the movie and book Big Fish says, never talk about religion or politics, you might offend someone. Well, as far as politics goes, I have stopped, but here comes the religion part.

This open mouth, insert foot thing, bleeds quite far into scripture though. Peter might be our favorite, and such an easy target.
In John 13, when Jesus is ready to wash the feet of the disciples, peter wants everything washed. Jesus, simply corrects him and moves on.
then a little later in the meal, Peter says, ‘I will never deny you Jesus…” As we all know, peter is the one who denied, not once, not twice, but Three times, before the cock crowed.

Thomas, who wouldn’t believe until he could feel the scars with his own hands, probably felt put into his place.

Or, what about Martha, who says to Jesus, “if you had been here, I know my brother Lazarus would not have died. But now I will have to wait for the resurrection to see him alive again.”
We all know how that story ended.

Time and time again in scripture and in the history of the church, we have fouled things up when it comes to the things we say to and about God. But this is not for lack of interesting or lack of trying, in fact it is because we often try too hard. We want so badly to say the right words or do the right thing to impress God that we often slide off too far in the wrong direction. Peter might have passed on to heaven a long time ago, but his spirit is alive and well in the mouths of you and I.

Now one of the most interesting occurances of this foot in mouth problems is a text that causes a tremendous amount of trouble for those of us who have just a little bit of stuff. You see, many of us are not rich, like the young ruler, but we get by alright. None of us own the world, but we do ok with our little ½ acre piece of it. We come to the famous text of the rich young man or the rich young ruler. It is a problematic passage for us, mostly because the way we have always read this text leads us to believe that we must…
Well, lets read it together…

I think we all can follow along with the feeling of this young man. It seems he has gotten his moment with Jesus and he wants to make sure his eternal destiny is secure, boy was he in for an unhappy day. So he asks Jesus: What must I do. Jesus gives him an answer that he has know practically his whole life: Follow the commandments.

At this point we are breathing a sigh of relief, we can do this, and there is a system of atonement in place for us a well. The whole sacrificial lamb thing is a bit cumbersome, but it does provide eternal security and its pretty straightforward.

But, for some reason, it seems our young man keeps pushing. Lord I have done all these things, are we straight??? Jesus replies something like well, since you asked, since you like stuff so much, why don’t you go, sell everything, give it to people who are in need, and then come and follow me.

This part of the story ends with the man going away, cruched by jesus because he has lots of stuff and he really liked it.

We are troubled too. If we wanted to, we could handle the go sell everything we own and give it to the poor. we might also be able to sort out what it means to follow Jesus here, even though he does not literally walk the earth anymore like he once did and like he commanded the young man to.

But, the story does go on.

its for Hard for rich people to enter the Kingdom. Why???

Then we move on to this problematic illustration of a camel and the eye of a needle.

As a youth, I remember this passage being preached and this scenario being explained.
this is what I was told.

you see the eye is actually this gate that was on one side of the city. They feel the need to explain this passage in a way that allows for an eye to go through the eye of “the needle.”

But explaining a camel through the needle in order that you and I might be able to enter the kingdom is not at all what this passage is all about. As I read this passage, it is not about the rich being cursed, the poor being up lifted and exalted, but it is about the words we say, the questions we ask.

Questions are important.

Just this week I saw a movie that asked an interesting and important question, for the setting in the movie. The question was: What weight more, all the tree that are cut down to make money for the us in a year or all the trains that pass through Grand Central Station in a year? Immediate reaction….

JFK asked an important question once…Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country?

Another example.
Seafood…Libby Hill…do you like fish?

(note: a couple from our church asked us one sunday if we liked fish as we were talking about where to go for lunch that day. I replied NO. They were shocked because it was their regular routine to eat at Libby Hill seafood for lunch each sunday. We ended up at Ruby Tuesday. But, had the question been, do you like seafood, or will you join us at Libby Hill, or would you like to go to Libby Hill for lunch we would have offerend an emphatic yes. But they asked if I liked fish and I had to honestly reply, NO)

Well I moved away from the text for a few moments, and it is time to go back, where were we?

“Who then can be saved” Jesus replies, “ what is impossible with man, is possible with God?”

So, is god in the magic business? Does God somehow get a camel through a needle each time he needs to let someone get into heaven?
No, I think the problem was the question, not the answer.

You see this entire passage is based on the question that the young ruler asked, What must I do to inherit eternal life? This is our key. If you want to know what YOU must do if you want to inherit eternal life, here is your answer…

The problem is not the answer, but the question. Like the Libby Hill question? The question that was asked to me was not, would you mind if we go to Libby Hill, will you join us for seafood???? But, Do you like fish? The answer to do I like fish is NO, not an emphatic no, but a I prefer other things thank you? The answer to, will you join us at Libby Hill for lunch is an emphatic yes, we would be happy to.

It is the question that is wrong which makes the answer difficult. If the question were something like, what must happen for us to inherit eternal life, I imagine the answer would be believe in me, and you will believe in the one who sent me. Come to me, trust me, follow me, GO into the world and Make disciples. Become a fisher of men. Love one another as I have loved you. Love the Lord your god and love your neighbor as yourself, for this is the greatest commandment.

You see, the problem we have a people who are trying desperately, or not so desperately to follow God, is that we often don’t ask the right questions. We ask

But it is clear that we, in and of ourselves, don’t know exactly what to say and what to ask for.

So what do we ask?

Well, in scripture, Jesus taught us to say the Lord’s prayer
Our father in heaven holy is you name kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE on earth as in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others
and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and power and glory forever amen.

Others had success with Have mercy on me, a sinner.

The one who came back after being healed has a pretty good reputation.

And maybe we can simply ask: God what must you do in me in order for me to be saved?

God, what must you do in my in order that I might enter into your kingdom and help your kingdom come to fruition, here and now…

God, where are you ready to work in my mind and heart and life in order that I might follow you better.

And finally, as Ephesians 2:8 says, it is a GIFT from god, not from man.

We must ask for the gift, receive the gift, give thanks for the gift that God gives us.

My friends, tonight there are a million wrong questions we can ask God, but the right one just might be God, thy will be done in my heart. Come in, work, make me to be who it is you have created me to be so that I might serve and enter your Kingdom.




It has been a while. Since I have been back from NYC I have been very busy. It is that time of year that us ministers who work with youth must get summer plans out. Also, this weekend I am preaching a REVIVAL at a churcher here in Mayberry. Dover Baptist is about to hear me lay the smack down, I am just not sure what the smack will be. Deadlines like this one, 4 different sermons in a weekend beginning tomorrow, bring out the best in my ability to procrastinate. Sleep, working out, and watching car shows on espn2 for the last 45 minutes have taken up my say so far. I need the rest, but I also struggle with whether I am being a little lazy.

But, hey. Do you need to proscratinate for a few minutes??? Check out this website. It takes a minute for the island to completely load, but it is fun and funny.

At least the commercials are good, and...

...i pinch





All is well here in NYC. Yesterday I navagated the public busses from Laguardia to Harlem, then down to near Times Square on 5th Avenue. I also wandered through Chinatown and SOHO looking for the Burton Snowboard shop which was pretty SWEET, like the jumps except not a jump.

After that, had a late lunch at Fanelli's cafe and moved back to mid-town and my hotel.

I stood in line a combinde 2 hours for stand-by tickets to The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, but, no luck. Last night we took a taxi to the world famous Serendipity 3 and ate a sinful meal and even more sinful desserts. Best of all, someone with us treated my and I didnt even know that was in the cards.

All in all, an excellent day with some of my goals accomplished for me and for our summer mission work.

Today I am checking out "Free things to do in Manhattan with Groups" with a fellow minister and I am thinking about trying to squeeze in a trip to the International Auto Show that is here this week. I will certainly keep you up to date. Let me know if you have suggestions.




travelin' man

I am off in the morning to New York city for a pre-trip visit to our summer mission trip location. We will be in NYC July 2-8 and working at Greater Restoration Baptist Church through MissionsConnect. There are plenty of links I could have inserted there but if you are really that interested, the guys over at GOOGLE seem to be on to something.

I am doing the first part of my trip alone. I land at Laguardia at 1130 and plan to make my to Times Square on my own via public transportation. This will either be a confidence builder or a deal breaker. It really is up in the air.

I dont know why The City (as it is known in my mind, the rest of us really are just trying to catch up, right?) freaks me out so much. I grew up in the suburban sprawl of D/FW. I had to go get my car at 3am from downtown fort worth as a 17yr old, didn't bother me. I have traveled all over the country alone and with family, places I have never been before, it was all fine, but the city bus just freaks me out a little.

Surely you will get an update from me at some point this week. I may have to blog from my treo, unless it gets stolen in queens, but I may try to blog anyway. I know it will be good fun and there really are several things I am looking forward to, the main one being, building up enough confidence to think that bringing a bunch of crazy (used affectionately, of course) teenagers from MAYBERRY to the Big Apple is actually agreat idea. The jury is still out, but I really do use the word crazy affectionately. I love these kids.

peace from mayberry, on the way to the big apple.


ONE MORE THING...Element Votes (see below)
It seems that everyone outside of my household votes for the all blue element. This is a fine choice and could be had since there seem to be lots of them on the lots. But, when my wife found out that having a E that has all the panels the same color (no grey or blue plastic accents) is a $500 option, she is out. $500 is a payment or two and saying it is just $8 extra per payment is not a good rationalization. So, for now, voting is in, though I would still like your opinions, and we are going to go with what gets us the best price. Probably lookin at silver with blue panels. I will most definitely need to come up with some funny name for it like the legomobile, or toontruck if that happens, but I got enough mojo to pull off a silver and blue vehicle until I am 40, you think???



three weeks away

I am watching SportsCenter to get sleepy enough to go to bed this Easter Eve. But I was reminded by Scott van Pelt that the Kentucky Derby, the only horserace most of us ever watch is only three weeks away. That's right, the first Saturday in may is only three weeks away. But who will we root for??? Here are two early favorites:

Sinister Minister
Lawyer Ron

I am not sure who to root for...

I am not sure who to bet on...(although, acutally, I dont bet horses)

Two great names for this year though, alot better than Smarty Jones.



big day???

I spent some birthday money today on a skateboard. I have been thinking about one for a month, and there are a bunch of kids in mt airy who skate. I think it could be a good, or really lame, way to connect with kids in our town. I am already missing snowboarding so maybe this will be a stopgap til November. If you know any other preppy, pseudo-alternative, neo-hippie, 29yr olds who are interested in learning to skateboard again (i havent actually skated since 7th grade), please send them my way.

Also, there are some interesting comments below on the post about 'Jesus-ipod/ element' so go there and join the conversation.

Finally, I have decided to count your votes, just for fun. I have posted the votes that I can think of below, let me know what you think and I will tally them up and keep them at the bottom of the post.

peace to you all this Holy Week.

the neo-hippie

ps. i am sorry that i am spoiled, but sometimes it is good to be a mamas boy. I also have a weakness for the sin of greed, i like to have stuff. I am not encouraging it, rather simply sharing my life with you.

Current first choice 2 votes (chris, natalie)

current second choice 1 vote (rniland)

current third choice



two items; discuss (eerrr...comment, please)

My mental life is somewhat consumed with two, somewhat interesting, possibly mentally unhealthy items. This first is of some significance, the second, of consideribly less significance, unless I will be driving you somewhere in the next 5-10 years.

1. If Jesus Had an ipod.
Numerous discussions in the past several weeks have brought me to a point of thinking about what type of music Jesus might listen to if he did have an ipod. I realize that Jesus probably would not have even had an ipod, were it invented, but a discussion of music that is potentially well created, thought provoking, redemptive, and intersting might be a good mental/faith exploration for all of us.
The first song I would like to propose is Take, Take, Take by the White Stripes. I think he could have used this song to talk about one of our chief human problems, Greed. Discuss.

2. The Honda Element
I have been obsessing over the possible purchase of a new car. I have been reading message boards, driving by dealerships, and reading magazines about a car that I already know a bunch about. I think I have decided that this is what I want to buy when it is time, but the decision is what color should I buy. Let me know what you would vote for, or if I should consider something else. The order has changed since my previous post.

Current first choice

current second choice

current third choice



random birthday

I realized this morning it is April 5. Usually the date doesn't have much significance, but for some reason I remembered today that I have two friends, who celebrate birthdays on April 5.

The first was a neighbor from Trophy Club Texas from when I was in 1st and 2nd grade. Her name was Julie Vogel, but has probably changed through marriage. Our families were friends for several years and we used to play together in the neighborhood. The scar I have on my chin I got from falling off of her bike in the street. It took something like seven stitches to sew up and I missed a soccer game that afternoon.

The second is a friend from K-Town named Allison Loe. She is married now but I don't know who she is married to or what her new last name is. She was a great friend to me and the last time I heard from he was about 5 years ago. She is an Aggie, class of 99 probably, if you ever hear from her send her our way, electronically.

Now, there are many of you who I am much closer to that I have not wished a happy birthday to. Actually, it is quite strange that I know their birthdays but cant remember birthdays for people like g-money, my brothers wives, my grandparents, or kelly Clarkson. So, I am sorry. You are all entitled to an actual blog birthday card, just let me know when I am supposed to do it.

I do know my wife's birthday though, August 18, (no year, not good to ask a woman's age). It is actually 8-18, which makes it nice and simple to remember, and a good three digit code for luggage.
oops, I have said too much.


ps. monday night's The Daily Show with John Stewart was hilarious. Ricky Gervais from the original 'the office' was on, and it was particularly funny. Also, during the first commercial break, there was a commercial for Avis. It was three guys in a rental car jammin to a rap song. It was kinda like the scene from Office Space and it was funny too. Just a thought.


Today is the 15th anniversary of Michigan Losing to UNC in the Championship game of the NCAA tournament. This is the game where Chris Webber calls a Time-out that he did not have, which sent UNC to the line, putting the game out of reach. It is on ESPN Classic right now. The reason this is of note is that a bunch of us gathered at Allison Loe's house to watch this game. She is a Tarheel fan. I rooted for michigan that night, and still do. I always watch this game and hope it might turn out different. It doesnt.
back to work




several weeks ago:

The weekend can do a number on my desk. It seems that I spend the first few hours of each Monday cleaning my desk and cleaning out my inbox, filing emails to their proper files in their respective accounts. It is a good practice to be in, I think, but I am just blown away by how much crap I can accumulate over a weekend, when I am not even really on the clock.

This weekend was quite busy here at FBCMA for the youth:
Friday, we roadtripped across the state to Raleigh for a Carolina Hurricanes game. 20 of us took in a great hockey game that was only marred by our inablibity to find the NCState Basketball trophies for our special friend Belton. He did like hockey though, and was pumped that the Carolina Hurricanes claimed the SE division title.
Saturday, we packed BBQ to sell, and a handful of youth sold over 300lbs of BBQ. It is great stuff and if you make it to Mayberry in the next few days, we will be happy to serve you some at the ahos.
Sunday we had Youth Sunday. Our youth led the morning worship service and we put together a blended service with drama, hymns, a contemporary worship song, youth testimonies, and the youth took up the offering, led in prayers and children's sermon. We followed the service up with a mexican food lunch at a local restaurant, Monte de Ray.
Sunday evening we gathered once again for our weekly youth supper and Gathering. Our topic was: If Jesus Had an ipod... I presented 4 songs and ask questions about the content, spiritual content, and message Jesus might give to the the people in the songs. The four songs I used were: Common, BE; Dave Matthews Band, Grey Street; The White Stripes, Take Take Take; and Alicia Keys, If I Ain't Got You.

The youth were great in thinking and speaking about the music, but none of it was up their alley. I need to get versed in Kenny Chesney and Toby Keith, but there ain't much there with ole TK.

Below, in my previous post is a question I ask you about a Honda Element or other recommendations. Seriously, I am on a search, please help if you can.

Today I am listening to Common and the White Stripes while I clean off my desk and fill out some appilcations and paperwork that has been waiting on me for about 3 weeks.



4pm, monday:
ps, this is a real pic and I didnt just throw my papers to the floor. My money is turned in, recipts are given to the correct people, papers are filed and all that is left is 2 applications and a bible study to type. I am the last one here, so I will be going soon. I must run and lift tonight. peace to you all from the clean office.

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