open ahos head

where thoughts are worth more than the paper they are printed on... until you print them

Location: Mayberry, North Carolina, United States

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travelin' man

I am off in the morning to New York city for a pre-trip visit to our summer mission trip location. We will be in NYC July 2-8 and working at Greater Restoration Baptist Church through MissionsConnect. There are plenty of links I could have inserted there but if you are really that interested, the guys over at GOOGLE seem to be on to something.

I am doing the first part of my trip alone. I land at Laguardia at 1130 and plan to make my to Times Square on my own via public transportation. This will either be a confidence builder or a deal breaker. It really is up in the air.

I dont know why The City (as it is known in my mind, the rest of us really are just trying to catch up, right?) freaks me out so much. I grew up in the suburban sprawl of D/FW. I had to go get my car at 3am from downtown fort worth as a 17yr old, didn't bother me. I have traveled all over the country alone and with family, places I have never been before, it was all fine, but the city bus just freaks me out a little.

Surely you will get an update from me at some point this week. I may have to blog from my treo, unless it gets stolen in queens, but I may try to blog anyway. I know it will be good fun and there really are several things I am looking forward to, the main one being, building up enough confidence to think that bringing a bunch of crazy (used affectionately, of course) teenagers from MAYBERRY to the Big Apple is actually agreat idea. The jury is still out, but I really do use the word crazy affectionately. I love these kids.

peace from mayberry, on the way to the big apple.


ONE MORE THING...Element Votes (see below)
It seems that everyone outside of my household votes for the all blue element. This is a fine choice and could be had since there seem to be lots of them on the lots. But, when my wife found out that having a E that has all the panels the same color (no grey or blue plastic accents) is a $500 option, she is out. $500 is a payment or two and saying it is just $8 extra per payment is not a good rationalization. So, for now, voting is in, though I would still like your opinions, and we are going to go with what gets us the best price. Probably lookin at silver with blue panels. I will most definitely need to come up with some funny name for it like the legomobile, or toontruck if that happens, but I got enough mojo to pull off a silver and blue vehicle until I am 40, you think???

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