open ahos head

where thoughts are worth more than the paper they are printed on... until you print them

Location: Mayberry, North Carolina, United States

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This week I set out to find a new photo type printer for my new office. The existing printer printed photos and color docs with horozontal lines across the paper. Since I am picky, this bothered me and I set out to find out the reason for these lines and the potential solution.

I traveled to our local Staples as well as the Best Buy and Staples in nearby Winston-Salem. There was not a sales associate around who could name this problem for me. Since I wanted a new printer anyway, I am blaming it on old technology and age, which is most likely the real problem.

As I was reading reviews for new printers I came across a term called Banding. Ahh!! it made sense, my printer is guilty of banding. Therefore, I found a new Canon Photo printer that is to have excellent quality and no visible banding.

But, I was sent back in time to a day when I was a sales associate. I was to sell stuff to people and often I did so with little or no knowledge of the actual product. I was simply good at reading the bullets points and expoinding on a product's virtues.

I now realize that I probably sold some real crap to people, but I convinced them it was great becuase I liked to box and the picture on the cover. I am sorry. They say, let the buyer beware, and it is true. I know we all hate to walk in to a store and know more than the associate who is helping us, but at least then we know something and their ignorance is apparrent. The ones you have to watch are really good about making up stuff based on bullet points and slick packaging.



life with cable and tivo

Until 2 weeks ago, we did not have cable. We had gone about 18 months with one of those antennas on steroids that I had found in a church clothes closet. It was good to get my news from the local guys and then I would listen to NPR as well. Occasionally I would mix in a little Nightline.

Now, we got directv and it came with free TIVO. Of course, TIVO is an amazing invention and it has changed the way I watch tv. I rarely watch live tv, and now I never watch the news anymore.

I wonder, is it bad that the only news I watch is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart? I know it only comes on 4 days a week, but it is a pretty packed show, right?

I still catch NPR but since my commute has been sliced from 45 minuted to 5 minutes, I dont get as much news from them either.

The best thing is, the world is more fun now. So, JOIN ME!!!! Get your news from DirecTV channell 249, Mondays thru Thursdays at 11pm, (but TIVO it and dont watch it until the next day). And, for balance, mix in a little NPR or SRN.


Hey, check out a new blog from a guy at my church. It will be good becuase r. is pretty smart and it looks like he can be quite funny as well.



this is a cool pic natalie took about a year ago today in beckley WV at the creacker barrell.


sunset Posted by Picasa


minister's quote of the week

I have never had a quote of the week, but this one will be a good one to start with. I found it while surfing blogs. I am thinking about starting a new one, anonymounsly. I will, or will not, let you know how that turns out.

Flannery O'Connor Quote
"It is easy for any child to pick out the faults in the sermon on his way home from Church every Sunday.... It is impossible for him to find out the hidden love that makes a person, in spite of intellectual limitations, neuroticism, and lack of strength, give one's life to the service of God's people, however bumblingly one may go about it.... You don't serve God by saying: 'the Church is ineffective, I'll have none of it.' Your pain at its lack of effectiveness is a sign of your nearness to God.... To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life, and this is a softness which ends in bitterness. Charity is hard and endures."
- Flannery O'Connor, in a letter to a friend

check out the blog at



life in my small town

Living in Mayberry- Here are directions to my house.

Take 52 north from Winston-Salem. Go past Pilot Mountain (Town and acutal Mountain)

Before you get to Mount Airy, take the 52 spilt from I-74, I-77. 52 becomes the ANDY GRIFFITH PARKWAY.

Take Andy's Parkway past Lowe's, Bojangles, and Food Lion on your right.

After you pass the drive in on the right, get in the left lane.

At the MAYBERRY MALL, take a left. (there is a real stoplight there)

Follow that road 'til you get to the stop sign and church with the American Flag/Bible on the sign. Take a left at that stop sign.

House is 1097 and will be on the left.

If you get to the Neighbor's gas station, you have gone too far.

A.G. Parkway, drive-in, mayberry mall, Am.Flag- beat that.

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