open ahos head

where thoughts are worth more than the paper they are printed on... until you print them

Location: Mayberry, North Carolina, United States

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since we were last together.. I have:

This was the phrase given to us to complete when we arrived for the afternoon session at the leadership program/seminar I am participating this year. We gathered for level 2 this week and we had not been together since August. It is a fun group of people, all ministers, trying to minister and lead better. Most are close to my age, one is not, but we get along really well and I am thankful that there are other people out there trying to be good ministers. It is easy to think you are alone when many of the people that you deal with in other churches and the community come from such a different place then you.

So, since I last blogged: I went to young leaders.

My wife, dog and I also went to visit my parents and some extended family in upper Michigan. It was a good trip. There was snow, mud, wind, and plenty of scenery. We also traveled through many notable cities along the way: Charleston WV, Colombus OH, Ann Arbor MI, the Mackinaw Bridge, Marquette MI, Green Bay WI, Milwalkee WI, Chicago IL, Indy, Lexington KY, and Huntington WV: home of Marshall U. My car is filthy and crossed 10000 miles as we crossed back into NC. 10005 was the final odometer total when we arrived in the garage: 27030 on Google maps if you dont know where the "Mayberry Hamlet" is.

I preached on the Prodigal Son at a revival, it was a pretty fun night. The church accross town is having what they are calling "Main Street Revival." They invited pastors from 4 churches on Main Street here in town to preach on 4 consecutive nights in October. Our choir also sang, and their song fit well with a rendering of the prodigal son. I talked about how we are quite often the bigger brother who is trying to do good, but feels like we cant catch a break. If you want, I could pass something along to you.

Finally, for tonight...
I have spent the day resting, catching up on some TV, and exercising. My run was tough, the rest has been good, and I have watched an absurd amout of television today. We caught up on two weeks of Desperate Housewives and Studio 60, and that was after dinner. I am now only 3 weeks behind on Grey's Anatomy, and I am thinking about picking up THE NINE. I am caught up with Boston Legal, and I may try to catch up on SIX DEGREES.

Currently I really dig the Mac/PC commercials, and there is also a commercial with monkeys, one of which is popping bubble wrap that really made me laugh. Also, these VW commercials where musicians are playing their guitars through the stereos of the cars is interesting. I am thinking about hooking up my Chet Atkins to the the system of the ELEMENT. I need a $3 adapter from Radio Shack.

I am also digging two new t-shirts I got this week. I finally had a shirt come in related to the Kyle's Film Project. I also got one for the church youth group with the title "el ano del taco". Both are American Apparel shirts and are good deisgns in a great feeling/fitting shirt.

Back to work and running again tomorrow. The half-marathon wont run itself.

I hope all the bloggers who read this are well out there in bloggerland. I plan to catch up with you all soon.

Continue to uncover more mysteries of the universe.

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