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where thoughts are worth more than the paper they are printed on... until you print them

Location: Mayberry, North Carolina, United States

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big weekend

Well, the week started out quite slowly, but it has been a good week. As I arrive at Friday, I look back upon 4 days of mental and physical exertion.

Monday and Tuesday I spent most of the time at my desk working and reading. It is time to prep for a study I am leading the church in. The book I am using is called Making All Things New and it is by Henri Nouwen. If you need another legitimate scholar to support some of the claims Kyle makes in his books, here it is. Nouwen's project of human spirituality would serve as good study for those of us who think Christian spirituality is more or different from the Richard Foster Method. I am actually working on compiling some resources for a category I am going to call 'Chirstian Discipleship/Spirituality for Mr. & Ms "type B"'. I am pretty laid back so I dont get into spirituality the way Foster describes it with rigid disciplines. But I can jive with Breathe in, Breath out, embrace the moment and sense God's presence here.

Monday Night, we had a church league basketball tournament game, and thrusday we had another. We play in the 'final four' on Saturday.

Snowboarded yesterday and had I not attached the lift ticket to my jacket, I could have slid down the mountain in a tshirt and shorts. It was like 60 degrees. I felt like I was sliding around on the largest shaved ice snowcone in the world. Add a little cherry syrup and we would be livin' large.

While playing in the slush yesterday, I broke the binding on my board and will have to deal with Burton to get it replaced, hopefully, but I helped several kids chase down skis yesterday and found and turned in to lost and found a nice set of Oakley Goggles, so if the wheel of Karma really does exist, it just might be spinning my way, hopefully it will with the good folks at Burton.

Headed to Lynchburg for the sold out DCB show tonight and decided I dont care what I wear. I just hope for safe travel and good show. Possibly we can shake the hand of a man who has written so much music that has guided me spiritually the last 8 years. But, if we dont get to personally say hi and thanks to the boys from the band, we are still blessed to get to see them.

I am sorry this has gotten long. Actually I am hungry for lunch but cant decide what to eat so I just keep procrastinating.

Finally, on the way up to the mountain yesterday, I had planned to listen to a series of sermons from Ecclesia that Chris Seay preached on Genesis 1-4 last fall. I got them copied into musicmatch well and then onto the dell dj, but when I went to play them, they were playing in like half time. It was really ssslllooowww aaannnddd dddrrraaawwwnn ooouuutt, so something got lost in translation. If you know what the problem might be, leave me a comment or shoot me an email. I will seek it out this weekend, but I want to hear those sermons. I did finally listen to the reading of Kyle's Last sermon as read by Blair Browning in November. It was a good moment. It makes me want to expereince Garden State again. The first time I saw it I was kinda in a bad spot and didnt like it, didnt get the whole theme. I think I might be able to feel it more now.

Finally, finally, I am really loving the White Stripes album, Get Behind Me Satan. It takes some time to get used to their thing, but is really fanstastic and abounds in spiritual themes and our human problem of sin.

Have a great weekend. Let me know what you are thinkin'.


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