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where thoughts are worth more than the paper they are printed on... until you print them

Location: Mayberry, North Carolina, United States

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the Oliver Stone method applied to the SBC.


= End of Boycott???
Back in 1997 'our friends' at the Southern Baptist Convention made a silly pronouncement by announcing a boycott of the Disney Corporation. There are many different claims as to why they made this declaration but the unspoken reason has often been assumed to be becuase of their support or indifferene toward the GLBT agenda. Disney has allowed gay-days at their theme parks and I think this was a place where the Southern Baptists could put a stake in the ground and make a statement in the midst of the Clinton 90's.

Fast-forward to this summer and you see this artilce
End of boycott article

This summer, many of the conservative organizations who were boycotting Disney have lifted their bans. Coincidentally, or not coinsidentally, this winter the movie versions of C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia are coming out, which are being made and produced by our friends (again) at Disney. (if you visit a christian bookstore, first use caution, then you can see the books and music from the movie proudly displayed).

The problem is that no one is addressing the hypocrisy and situational-ethics of these boycotting groups. It did not have any effect on anyone when they decided to boycott the Woddy and Buzz from Toy Story era of Disney, but now they can't be a part of a group which is boycotting movies based on book of their favorite, legitimate, 20th century theologian. (who was not really theologically, politically, or socially conservative, but we can talk about that over a brandy and cigar like he would have if you want)

I hope and pray that people in the pews and in America will begin to think harder about the conservative leadership in their organizations and in this country. There are too many conservative leaders running around, doing whatever they want and can to promote themselves to get power in the name of family values and getting God's man for the job. (at some point I think this Tom Delay thing could move in that direction)

I am a strong supporter of the priesthood of the believer which forces me to allow someone to believe differently than me. Therefore, I am happy that there is a conservative conscience out there to balance out the liberals. That is ok and healthy.

What I am calling for is thought. Please, think about what is going on, read something different that the Conservative Times (fictitious name for a fake paper I made up to make a point) and watch something other than Fox news where all that is shared is what conservatives want to hear and how they want to hear it. Dissent and conflict work to provide a balace of power in this society. We should challenge people and leaders to be honest, up front, and commited to the things they get power from us to do.

Therefore, the leaders of the SBC deserve a slap on the wrist from someone for pulling this stunt this summer. They knew what was happening and they managed to slide it under the radar so they could promote a Christian movie from a wholesome, but not Christian, company, who has to power to do what they cannot: produce quality films that make a difference in peoples lives, that are appealing to a wide variety of people, who dont normally shop at Christian book stores for everything.

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