blog of a sorry white man
Last night we went to dinner with friends and then went back to their place. After the girls revealed they didnt want to get whooped in spades, again, by saying they wanted to watch a movie instead, we hit the time warner digital cable "ondemand" channel. Here you can choose from hundreds of movies to watch. We narrowed it down to two, HITCH and DIARY OF A MAD BLACK WOMAN. We should have chosen Hitch.
DIARY had been recommended to us several times by several people we actually like and trust. We used to trust their opinions, NOT ANY MORE!!!!
This is the worst movie I have ever seen that I can remember. The characters were mean and under-developed, the dialoge was predictible, and the story was crap. I was hoping to see a funny man dressed up as a mean old funny woman. What a got was a lifetime movie about love and vengance, with a failed attempt at comic relief through a bad imitation of an Eddie Murphy movie.
Now, I have a different taste in movies than some, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, trust me on this one. This movie is bad. You will waste your time and money. I am more upset about the two hours of time I lost than the $4 that was spent.
Two more things: 1. If you watched this movie and liked it, please comment and tell my why. I promise you this, I will listen and respect you opinion, I just want someone to tell me why they think this was a good idea.
2. Best line in the movie: "girl, I am so crazy about you, thinkin bout you all the time, that I go to the grocery store and I buy you feminine products." Really, it was in there.
Thanks for reading. peace
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