open ahos head

where thoughts are worth more than the paper they are printed on... until you print them

Location: Mayberry, North Carolina, United States

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Coming back around

I knew it had been a while since I blogged, but I did not realize it had been more than a month. I have actually been pretty busy since then, especially for someone who has a part time job. On the weeks when I was not out of town, I tried to stay really busy with work at church. But speaking of being out of town, I have spent a week in Atlanta, Ga for the emergent conversation with Walter Brueggemann, A week in Upper Michigan with family, and a weekend in Farmville VA for my high school buddy's wedding. That really only leaves two open weeks since I last blogged and sometimes I dont want to blog, sometimes I cant blog about things on my mind becuase they are not blog material, and sometimes, I just surfed instead of investing thought and energy.

Nonetheless, I am back and looking to make a meaningful push towards Christmas with my blogs. I have been trying to read more. I recently finished Johnny Cash's autobio and am working on the Lance Armstrong autobio from a few years ago. It is pretty much brain candy and quick reading, but it is enjoyable. I have also begun work with Cornel West's Democracy Matters. A timely critique of America's current political situation.

I have watched the debates, plan to watch or listen tonight, and am a bit tired of these two guys repeating the same things to each other and really them just talking past each other. I wonder how much they would reall agree upon if they actually spoke the same language, and I am not talking about english.

Well, that is all for now. Thanks for reading this update, comment and lets talk again soon.



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