The weekend is coming!!! Unfortunately I have recieved two pastoral messages. I am looking forward to the "expereince" in a resume and ministerial sort of way, but both of them are difficult situations. 1. I will be doing a funeral for a 4 year old on Sunday. 2. I will talk in the near future to a family about their young father's terminal cancer. Kids are 5th grade and younger. Anyway, sorry to bring gloom to the blog.
Happier Notes:
Duke beat Florida State last night to the chants of " up two touchdowns (clap clap clapclapclap) and " FOOT BALL SCHOOL --- FOOTBALLSCHOOL" All of our clapping was in the shape of the gator clap as well.
Enjoy the SuperBowl. I hope Carolina wins cause I live here and I love the Dolphins and hate the rest of the AFC East.
And Finally, 6 Days to Duke V Carolina 1.
Visit Tom's Blog and leave good feedback for him. He is new to the community and is a good guy. We shared a ghetto apartment our senior year at baylor with 4 other goof balls like ourselves. Well tom is not really a goofball, but is great.
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